A beautiful collection of charms creating a sense of protection and hope. Aquamarine represents happiness, hope and everlasting youth. In ancient times, aquamarine was thought to protect those at sea. It was believed to make sailors fearless and safe from adversaries on the open waters. Collect and mix these different charms to create the perfect protective amulet to wear and change as you see fit.
Paperclip Bail Cable Twist ChainEmerald Cut Aquamarine Clover CharmHamsa CharmFault Line Oval Tourmaline Charm
This necklace will make you feel like an empress with the grace and elegance of divine beauty. A triptych of blue topaz capturing the light of the sky and moonstones...
This necklace will make you feel like an empress with the grace and elegance of divine beauty. A triptych of tourmalines capturing the light and green sapphires glistening around your...
Trinity is the union of body, mind, spirit and this trinity necklace will have you feeling like you are in heaven. If you were to only have one piece of...